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发布日期:2024-10-11 06:20    点击次数:145




















On September 30, 2024, Hong Kong Winhealth Pharma Group (hereinafter referred to as "Winhealth Pharma") officially announced the successful completion of the equity acquisition of Kyowa Kirin (China) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Kyowa Kirin China"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Kyowa Kirin").

Following the closing, Winhealth Pharma will hold 100% equity of Kyowa Kirin China and obtain the permanent commercialization and production rights of five original brand drugs commercialized in China by Kyowa Kirin, as well as the priority commercialization rights of future pipeline products in the nephrology and hematology fields. Additionally, Winhealth Pharma has also signed a commercial license agreement with Kyowa Kirin for the global blockbuster products Crysvita® and Poteligeo®, securing their long-term commercialization rights in China.

This transaction has spanned two months since the signing was announced on August 1, 2024. During this period, the project has received high-level attention and support from all parties. The project teams of both sides were able to complete the closing procedures and the signing of ancillary agreements involved in the project in just 61 days. The efficient, smooth, and stable closing of the project is attributable to the highly professional project teams of both sides and the active efforts and efficient collaboration of internal and external teams and multiple partners.

Mr. Wang Wei, Chairman/Founder and CEO of Winhealth Pharma, said:“We are extremely delighted with the successful completion of the equity acquisition. It will significantly enhance our comprehensive competitiveness in the fields of innovative drug research and development and commercialization. It means the smooth completion of Winhealth Pharma's strategic transformation from a pharmaceutical commercial promotion enterprise to a large innovative biopharmaceutical enterprise. It is also a significant milestone event as Winhealth Pharma truly steps into the Winhealth 2.0 era. In the future, we will always adhere to the original intention of ‘patient comes first’ and be committed to providing more and better treatment options for patients around the world. With the successful conclusion of this transaction, Winhealth Pharma will inherit and carry forward the business of Kyowa Kirin China, continuously expand the Chinese market, and meet more unmet patient needs.”

Mr. Hao Jinghui, Executive Director and Co-CEO of Winhealth Pharma, remarked, “From the signing on August 1 to today's efficient closing, it took less than two months. This achievement is inseparable from the professional mutual trust, meticulousness, and sincere cooperation of the management and transaction teams of both sides. As a long-term strategic partner, Winhealth Pharma and Kyowa Kirin have always maintained a close and excellent cooperative relationship and jointly established a symbiotic relationship based on the principles of mutual benefit, mutual trust, and win-win. Today's successful closing signals that the cooperation between the two sides has entered a new stage of development. In the future, Winhealth Pharma will continue to uphold its commitments to patients, partners, and employees. Together with Kyowa Kirin and many outstanding global strategic partners, we will bring more leading original innovative drugs to Chinese patients and create a more glorious future."

With the successful closing of this transaction, the cooperation between Winhealth Pharma and Kyowa Kirin has officially entered a new stage of development. This is not only an important milestone in the cooperation process between the two sides but also indicates the deep integration of the two sides at the strategic level. Winhealth Pharma will seize this opportunity to comprehensively and deeply integrate the abundant resources of Kyowa Kirin China in the fields of research and development, production, and commercialization. Through the optimized allocation and sharing of resources, Winhealth Pharma will establish a more professional, complete, and efficient full-link commercialization system, consolidate the company's competitive advantages, and inject strong impetus for the company's continuous development and transformation.

Looking ahead, Winhealth Pharma will rely on these advantages and continuously pursue excellence. The company will always center on patients, be committed to meeting the growing health needs of patients, and continuously expand our own and cooperative product pipelines. Through continuous innovation and breakthroughs, Winhealth Pharma will work together with our excellent industrial chain partners to jointly create a new chapter in the pharmaceutical industry and contribute more wisdom and strength to the health cause.

About Hong Kong Winhealth Pharma Group

Hong Kong Winhealth Pharma Group is a leading biopharmaceutical company based in Hong Kong, with commercial operations across the Greater China Area and an expanding regional footprint in Asia and Europe. Specializing in the commercialization of innovative medicines, the company is dedicated to delivering breakthrough therapies for patients with cardio-renal, gastrointestinal, respiratory and anti-infectious and rare diseases, as well as other unmet and severely underserved medical needs.

WinHealth has established successful long-term partnerships with numerous world-leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, creating a uniquely impactful and diversified portfolio that includes over 15 specialty products in both commercial and late clinical stages. Committed to patients and partners, WinHealth continuously expands its portfolio and seeks to bring more transformative therapies from its global network of partners.

About Kyowa Kirin

Kyowa Kirin aims to discover novel medicines with life-changing value. As a Japan-based Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Company, we have invested in drug discovery and biotechnology innovation for more than 70 years and are currently working to engineer the next generation of antibodies and cell and gene therapies with the potential to help patients affected by a severe or rare disease. A shared commitment to our values, to sustainable growth, and to making people smile unites us across our four regions – Japan, Asia Pacific, North America, and EMEA/International. You can learn more about the business of Kyowa Kirin at www.kyowakirin.com. 





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